Perkier Donates 50,000 Bars to Food Banks Across the Nation

3 mins read


Help us spread kindness during COVID-19 to those who need it the most.

Before Coronavirus hit the UK there were already 8.4m people living in food poverty and unfortunately it is getting worse. With the closing of shops, café’s and restaurants and many people working from home, so not donating to the homeless on the street, there is a huge number of people finding themselves struggling for food during these challenging times… and increasing numbers are becoming reliant on foodbanks.

This is putting a strain on the food banks resources, as not only do they have more people to feed, there is often less food coming in from supermarket donations as food waste reduces in store. We’re proud one of our partners Morrisons have pledged £10m to Foodbanks.

As a small British company, we are super proud to be donating 50,000 (initially 25,000 but we’ve upped our target) Perkier bars to food banks across the UK over the coming weeks, but we need YOUR HELP!

👇Tell us below which food banks we should donate to and we’ll pick at least one a week if not more.

In the first week we sent 5,800 Perkier bars to FareShare and 1,000 bars to The Trussell Trust. Fareshare focus on fighting hunger and reducing food waste and they are looking for volunteers to help across so many areas including social media ambassadors, admin, distribution of products, as well as donations. To get involved with FareShare click here.

For the second week of food bank donations we’ve given a further 6000 bars to West Cheshire Food Bank and King’s Church Darlington, two great groups providing food to the vulnerable during these difficult times. We’ll be donating to more foodbanks this week so don’t forget to continue nominating.

Click here to nominate a foodbank.


We increased our goal!! 

We initially aimed to send out 25,000 bars but now we’ve increased our goal to donate a total of 50,000 bars to a huge variety of food banks. So far we’ve now donated a whopping 43,000. Some food banks we’ve recently sent products to include: Nishkam Swat helping the homeless, The Trussell Trust and Go Dharmic

Keep up to date with our donations via our Instagram page!

Click here to nominate a foodbank.

We hope you’re all staying safe and well, our webshop is still available to order snacks from to make your time at home, maybe, slightly more bearable!

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